
4 juli 2020 – Tyskland

47 årige Måns Rybäck från Sverige, en musikalisk talang som har varit passionerad för musik i över tre decennier. Med en musikalisk karriär som Måns Rybäck hade som trombonist i olika storband, debuterade sångaren och trombonisten med en nytolkning av Frank Sinatra-klassikern Fly Me To The Moon”

“Även om legenden Sinatra förblir oöverträffad här, ger Måns Rybäck och hans pianist ger en kärleksfull kopia som inte behöver gömma sig bakom originalet.”

“Sångmässigt är Måns Rybäck en absolut naturlig talang, vars ljusa och mjuka röst låter i kärleksfull estetik i symbios i harmoni med pianot.”

14 juli 2020 – The Bandcampdiaries

Måns Rybäck introducing brand new single and music video: Fly Me to the Moon.

“Måns Rybäck is a singer and artist who recently released his own take on a classic evergreen: Fly Me to the Moon, as made famous by the legendary Frank Sinatra. Måns came up with a distinctive arrangement, which has a slower pace than the original, and a classy atmosphere, fueled by a beautiful-sounding jazz piano.

The vocals are soaring and emotional, perfectly matching the unique vibe of this release. “The best part is that Måns is not actually trying to imitate Sinatra’s vocals, but rather give his own take on the song, letting his personality shine through with every twist and turn. In addition to that, the quality of this production is truly world-class, going for a warm and dense jazz sound that totally fits the feel of this release. The dynamics are incredible, and they add liveliness to this track!

15 juli 2020 – Daily Music Roll

Måns Rybäck impresses the global audience with his brilliant Frank Sinatra cover ‘Fly Me to the Moon’

Established musician Måns Rybäck flaunts his dynamic singing capabilities introducing his cover ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ opulent with instrumental and acoustic glory.

July 15, 2020

The thematic dynamo of the classical music outshines the contemporary compositions from every genre in terms of heard-rending and unique melodies and soulfully eloquent lyrics. The immortal classical numbers of the legend Frank Sinatra have been reintroduced to the fans from time to time by different musicians all across the globe. Extraordinarily gifted musician Måns Rybäck has taken the lead among them revitalizing Sinatra’s most popular song Fly Me to the Moon’ accumulating it in his individual style. The brilliant singer and a talented trombonist managed to keep the integrity of the rare poignant melody of the track with a hint of his personal flavor.